Saturday, November 8, 2014

My first letter from the Guatemala MTC dated November 2, 2014

Hola mi Familia!
It feels like I have been waiting a life time to send this email. First of all, ignore the misspelled words and what not. We only have a short time to write and so I am just going to rush through this cuz I have a lot to say...

Thank you guys so much for all of your e-mails. They made me cry before I even opened them. I am going to be honest with you guys... This week has been the longest, shortest, happiest, and saddest week of my life. The first 3 days were the hardest days I have ever endured. I stayed up all night crying. I didn't think that it was possible for me to miss you guys all so much. Being here has made me realize how much you guys mean to me. And how my family is the most important thing in my life. I thought I would miss my phone and facebook and my room. But I don't care about any of that. All I care about are my family and loved ones.

This week I have learned so much. The lanugage is difficult but I am getting the hang of it. I have the best teachers!! They say Hola! btw. But I am so grateful to be here. I have never felt so close to my Savior and Heavenly Father in my life. The spirit is so strong. I see the spirit in everything I do. In talking to my companions, my teachers, the staff, & everyone. We have an investigator named Junior. We teach him a lesson every night in SOLO ESPANOL! Which is difficult but the spirit leads us to know what to say. I can give a lesson in spanish!!!  Who would of ever thought I could do that in 1 week!!!  The gift of tongues is SOOO REAL!! I can bare/bear my testimony in espanol as well.  Its crazy!!  Everyone here is soooo kind.  I wish I could explain how strong the spirit is but I can't.  Everyone wears a smile. Its so beautiful.

The first 3 nights when it was the hardest, I would cry to my Heavenly Father and beg Him for peace and comfort. I have never felt so miserable in all my life. I kept praying for H.F to bless me. Then the 4th night as a I kneeled by my bed to pray I started crying again. Not because I was sad. But because I was mad at myself. Here I am praying for the Lord to bless me, when He already blesses me everyday. He loves me so much. I felt so bad, and knew that I needed to get back to praying for others and for the people I love. That night I prayed for like 2 hours (like dad's prayer) and just thanked Him for so much. And I asked him to bless all of you back home with specific blessings. I've never felt so close to my H.F before. I felt like He was proud of me. And I knew then that I am in the right place and that the Lord has so much He needs me to do here in Central America.

 I now know why everyone says to wait till Sunday before you decide to go home or not. Sunday was the MOST spiritual sunday I have ever felt. I was a big crying mess!!! Which is normal for me considering my eyes never seem to be dry. But we learned about gratitude and how if we are grateful no task seems too hard. And I can testify of that. Because the moment I stopped be selfish and started being grateful everything seemed glorious and happy. I know that we all have hard times but if we make the choice to be grateful for the little things that are good, then even the hard times aren't that hard.

I just love this gospel so much and I can't wait to spread it to God's children.  I love the people of Central America.  They are so special.  And I feel like I have a tiny bit of God's love for them because all I want to do is serve them.... I love you all too!!

OKay now time for the fun stuff..... I am in a threeio in my companionship.  My campaƱas are Hermana Galland from California, and Hermana Woodword from Utah!  I love them so much!!!  They have been there for me so much. It's good because when I have a bad day they keep me happy.  And when they have a bad day I can keep them happy.  They are super fun and so sweet.  I love that we get along so well.

Our district is called LUCAS so remember that if I bring them up again.  The name reminds me of Lukie Bukie every time. It's funny cuz when we got to the CCM (ce-ce-eme) I thought the boys were like 15 years old. I swear Luke looks older than some of them. But the more I get to know them the more I see their desire to serve the Lord and His children. I have grown to love everyone in my district. They are just awesome.  I taught our lesson on Sunday and they all gave such good feed back and the spirit was so strong.  I have 3 Poly's in my district which helps so much!!!!  When I hang out with them I feel like I am just chilling out with Josh, Luke, Paula, and all the boys.  There are two samoans and one TONGAN!!  Elder Ngungutau, Elder Fue, Elder Tafunga(who is Sterling and Evan Moes cousin).  They all deal with my tears so well.  I love them all like brothers!

Thank you to everyone for your prayers. I dont know how but I feel them so strong. Whenever things are hard I can feel the prayers of the members all over the world, and my ward family, and my family. I love you all!!

Any way... I should end this so it's not like a novel.
But I love and miss you guys all soo much!!
I have come to understand the word "Love" so much fuller now.  Be safe and make good choices!!  Btw you can send packages to the CCM.  And dear elders here... so get on that mom!!  haha I love you!!!  And kiss Zizi babbyyy for me please.  I love love love love you guys!!  I don't think I say it enough.

BTW... They took our cameras and ipods away (thanks to past missionaries) so no pictures for 6 weeks... It stinks but it's okay.  I should send a picture that Presetente's wife took of our district... maybe next week...

LOVE YOU ALL HUH!!! Thanks for your email.

P.S. Sophia.... I miss your sweet little smile and you cray cray laugh more than you will ever know.

Thank you so much daddy!!! I think about you everyday too.. The poly elders remind me of you so much. Elder Ngungutau is a big guy and he kinda looks like you. He makes me cry because I think of you. Thank you for the scripture references, I will read them tonight. Thank you for your sacrifice in sending me on my mission.  I love it.  And I will work hard for you and for my Heavenly Father.  BTW... Tell mom that sometimes my p-day is on monday tuesday or wednesday.  Kinda annoying but just to let y’all know.  I love you and don't worry about me. I  always "Fly like a butterfly, and sting like a BEE!!"  Love you PAPA!!!!  I thought a lot about grandma this week.  I feel her looking out for me.  And I feel her love so much.

Love you daddy. Stay strong, and don't worry about me too much. You got 5 other kids to focus on.  Even though I am far away, I’m the safe one.  Love you!!

Sorry I can't answer everything mommy.. I ran out of time.  I will next week for sure.  But with the eggs and beans... ALL 3!!!  ahahaha  I love and miss you.  You are my bestest friend!!  I miss you more than you could ever know.  I wish you could be my companion for life!!  Lol  I so look forward to spending eternity with you.  I went to the temple this morning (we go every p-day) and I thought of you and daddy so much.  I know we are so far…. but at the same time I feel your love so close.  I love you mama... And I promise I will answer all the Q's next week!!  Lo siento.  Lol


--Hermana Kava--

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