Thursday, March 19, 2015

Letter dated January 26, 2015 Week #13

January 26, 2015
Hola Mami,
Wow... a lot has happened this week.  Thank you for all of the news.
I am so sorry for the Kunioka family’s loss.  Aunty Lily was a very special lady.  I’m sure that Uncle Kevin’s mom was special too.  Please send them my love.  I will pray for their family!

Wow... Tara is with child!  That was fast.  LOL!  I am super happy for her!  Please tell her to send me photos of the bebe!

Yes, Lex and Mar and Tati all emailed me. :) 

Thank Sister Bertino for me please!!  I loved those things!!  They are perfect.  We always get invited to things that I want little Hawaii things to give, so those are perfect.  I love that I am able to give them a little something.  Thank you so much Sister Bertino!

I emailed grams.  I love Papa and Grandma so much and I really appreciate the birthday gift.  Tell them to write to me, please.  I want to hear what they and Belle are up to.

WOW!  It is so awesome that Mele and I have the same nametag!  I am happy that she feels more comfortable now and feels like she is representing the people who love her.  TWO HERMANA KAVAS!  Who would’ve thought?  Ha ha ha Let’s go Mel, gotta rep that name tag good.  LOL!

Mom, my health is good.  I’m fine, really!  No worries beef curry.  I’m getting used to everything.  Sometimes I laugh cuz I’m going to come home and literally eat anything.  Every meal I want to laugh out loud cuz I keep thinking “if mom saw me right now she wouldn’t be able to believe what I am eating!”.  So funny!!!  We don’t just eat all of our food… we CLEAN the plates.  By that I mean we eat every last drop of salsa.  You can’t even tell there was food on the plate.   People would never believe that I used to be a picky eater. Ha ha ha When people are sacrificing to feed you, you can’t waste anything. 

I didn’t get your letter yet, probably by Thursday.  Thank you for writing to me though.

I love my birthday box btw!  The speaker, the clothes, the shoes, everything!!  The toys... perfect!  We used them for a FHE and it was a huge hit.  The kids here love me, which is good because, don’t ask me why but, I just love children!!   I’ve gotten into stickers, so I hand them out to the kids. I hand out little candies too.  Ha ha ha  It’s cute because we will be walking down the street and then you hear Hermana Kava Kermana Kava!!  It’s so cute!   Btw... I loved all of the letters that were in the box from everyone!  Thank you guys!  I’m going to send a response to everyone in a big letter when I get a chance.  Oh and I love the little personalized hymn book!   Thank you!!!!  Sis Patt said I’ll love having it in Belize. OH! And thank you for all of the photots>!!!  I love them!!!  I love seeing everyone’s beautiful faces. 

Hey, can you email me a list of Hawaiian songs and artists? Like 100 please.  We are planning a big LUAU here for the end of February!!  We are all so excited!   We can make a cd but I need names of songs and artists.  All kinds of Hawaiian music is welcomed but I’m thinking more of old grams kind. Thank you!!

Keep an eye out for my letters in the mail, I’m sending a few out this week.        

Is everyone okay? I had the worst dream on Saturday night.  I woke up crying... but I just prayed like crazy that you all are okay and protected!!! I hope nothing is wrong!  Hows Lukie??? I hope he is okay.              

HAPPY BDAY JOSHIE!!! I hope you had an awesome day!!  What did y’all do??  Church?  Ha ha ha   It was always the best when our birthdays fell on a Sunday.  :)

Okay so a little about my week...
The super pday was fun.  We just had interviews and watched movies like Meet the Mormons (in Spanish). We also ate pizza.

This week we had a lesson with the familia Calderon.  One of my zone leaders and one of the a.p.’s (assistant to the President) came to the lesson.  Oh my goodness, it was one of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had.  I basically cried from start to finish. It was so good.  We shared a talk from Thomas S Monson about following Jesus Christ and then just testified!!  It was so awesome.   I can’t even begin to describe how strong the spirit was.  It was something that I don’t think I will ever forget.

Ok so a funny story about C. Calderon, the dad.  We have this lil coffee and pastry store on the corner of the main street called Mr. Pan.  We walk past this place at least 20 times a day.  Anyways, we were walking by and right as we passed it I felt like “hey, someone needs us right now.”  But we kept walking.  So we are walking up the hill and we see Carla, the daughter, so we were like “hey, where you going?”  She said she was going to Mr. Pan to meet her dad.  So, we asked if we could go with her and she said yeah.  So we were walking and I said “Hmmmm.... lets see if your dad is drinking coffee”  and she laughed.  You see, this family is awesome, but their only problem is COFFEE!   We are working with them on this.  So we walk into Mr Pan and see C. Calderon.  He was all nervous and he had a bunch of stuff on his table... in black bags.  So me being blunt, oops, said “Hola hermano!!! Que tiene??? and looked and there was coffee!! Ha ha ha he was like Hermanas!!! It’s a habit. I only drank a little. Ha ha Anyways, we got rid of it and bought him some juice and bought us donuts! It is crazy because right as we passed the spot that he was sitting in I got this crazy feeling.  I told him about it and he said that he knows it’s a sign from Heavenly Father that he needs to stop.  Sooooooo, he hasn’t had a drink of coffee since!  We also bought him some hot chocolate and this thing called SOYA.  It was just so awesome because it just showed that the Lord knows he is ready for the gospel now.  

Another cool thing that happened was that we got to work in San Ramon this week.  Our area is doing super good so we went to help the district leaders in their area.  So went to San Ramon and one of the girls they are teaching now is special needs.  You know how big of a spot special needs kids have in my heart.  So I just loved her from the get go and I think she could feel it cuz she just ran and hugged me and was stuck to my side the entire time.  I love her! I had my stickers with me and I gave her my sticker book so she could choose one.  Well, she wanted all of them so I gave them to her. She loved them and was so happy.  We started singing “soy un hijo de Dios” (I am a Child of God) and I just balled the whole time.  I felt her spirit so strong... it was just so awesome for me to have the opportunity to teach her.  I could see the pureness in her eyes and I could really feel our Saviors’ love for her.   It was the highlight of my week!!

Other than that... just a normal week.  I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 

Keep me posted!!

--Hermana Kava--


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